Junior fall tower Rin-Rin
- Operational
Ride a car with up to 8 seats with your family and friends and have a fun time in the company of the little ones.
Rin Rin is a 6-meter-high tower where you can experience the adrenaline rush of free-falling up and down in a surprising way, great for family fun!
90 cm
1 g
6 m
Required skills and abilities:
– Being able to get on and off the vehicle on your own.
– Be able to hold on tightly with at least one functional arm and have both legs functional to properly use the crotch restraint system.
Health Restrictions:
People should refrain from using this ride are:
– In a state of pregnancy.
– With neck, spine, or bone problems.
– With heart, blood pressure or pacemaker problems.
– With recent surgeries or other conditions that could be aggravated by the use of the ride.
– Wearing casts, splints, or immobilizers.
– With mental disorders.
– Suffering from dizziness or vertigo.
-Being afraid of heights.
– People that sudden changes of direction, speed or acceleration could affect their health. Especially elderly people.
– Cognitively impaired (due to unexpected movements and sudden changes in altitude).
– With body measurements that do not allow them to adequately secure the safety bar and the operation of the crotch restraint system.
Elements not allowed during the use of the ride:
– Wheelchairs.
– Any mobility device such as canes, crutches or other medical assistance devices must be removed before boarding the vehicle.
– Loose clothing such as scarves, scarves, jackets, plastic tents, long dresses, among others, that generate risk of entrapment by the machine.
– Backpacks, bags, umbrellas.
– Cameras, cell phones, tablets, selfie sticks.
– Elements that could fall during the use of the ride, such as bottles, coins, glasses, chains, must be removed before boarding the vehicle.
– Caps and hats.
Buy your tickets
Buy your entrance tickets (10% off) and parking tickets.
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