Sitio Web Oficial del Parque del Café

Pet Restrictions

Find below the policy for the entry of your pet to our park.

According to current regulations, pets (dogs) may enter the park, as long as they comply with the following rules: 

The entry of wild and/or endangered animals is restricted. It will be brought to the attention of the police authorities.

According to the police code, the entry of the following dangerous breeds is restricted: American Staffordshire Terrier, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Dogo Argentino, Dogo de Bordeaux, Fila Brasileiro, American Bully, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Japanese Tosa, and those new breeds or cross breeds that the National Government considers.

Our Park does not offer daycare services for dogs.

The requirements will be verified at Visitor Services, where the pet admission policies will be written in writing. Then, when entering through the registers, the security personnel will verify that the visitors who bring pets received and accepted this policy (Format delivered and signed at Visitor Services).

For the entry of pets (dogs), the owner must sign a commitment where they agree to comply with the following requirements:

Up to date vaccination record of the pet (original vaccination card).

For assistance and/or therapy dogs, a certificate must be presented accrediting the pet as such; additionally, a certificate from a health professional must be submitted indicating the patient’s need for physical, psychological or emotional help.

Wearing a collar with a leash whose length is no longer than 1 meter (in case of any event or incident, this will be the owner’s responsibility).

Medium and large breed dogs must wear a muzzle (in case of any event or incident and the dog does not have a muzzle, this will be the owner’s responsibility).

The owner must carry enough bags for the collection of excrement.

Minors may bring the pet as long as a responsible adult accompanies them.

Dogs may only enter the Cable Cars and Tren del Café.

Pets may not be left alone at any time, and are not allowed to be restrained in spaces such as railings, fences, nets, trees, etc.

Visitors who fail to comply with the duties and responsibilities or put the safety of other visitors at risk, will be removed from the park and depending on the seriousness of the act will be placed at the disposal of the competent authority. Likewise, they will be responsible for any damage caused.

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