Sitio Web Oficial del Parque del Café

How to get to Parque del Café?
Parque del Café

Find here directions to Parque del Café

Address of Parque del Café

Where are we located?

Parque del Café is situated in the rural area of Montenegro municipality, at km 6, via Pueblo Tapao, just a 20-minute drive from Armenia, the capital of Quindío and the heart of the coffee region.

How to get there from the nearest cities?

Find below the best routes that you can take to get to the Parque del Café from the nearest cities.

From Bus Terminal Station: Take the intermunicipal transport on the route from Pueblo Tapao – Parque del Café – Montenegro; The bus stops at the entrance to our park. 


From Armenia downtown: Catch a bus from Parque Cafetero, situated at Carrera 15 and Calle 25, heading towards Pueblo Tapao. Disembark at the Parque del Café stop..

Take the “Autopista del Café” and enter the city of Armenia to the north, then the road to the municipality of Montenegro and km 3 to the village of Pueblo Tapao. Travel time is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Take the Autopista del Café and enter the city of Armenia from the north, then take the road to the municipality of Montenegro and km 3 to the village of Pueblo Tapao. Travel time: 2 hour and 15 minutes.

On the Cali – Armenia highway, take the detour in the municipality of La Tebaida towards the town of Pueblo Tapao and then continue until km 3 via the municipality of Montenegro. Travel time is 4 hours approximately.

Take the Pereira route connecting with the Autopista del Café, entering the city of Armenia from the north, then the road to the municipality of Montenegro and km 3 to the village of Pueblo Tapao. Travel time is approximately 7 hours.

Take the Ibagué – Armenia route, entering the department of Quindío through the municipality of Calarcá to Armenia. There, you take the route to Montenegro and continue until km 4 along the road to Pueblo Tapao. Travel time is approximately 7 hours.

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